Buying new but scratch and dent appliances has gotten much more popular the last couple of years.damaged guitar

The reason? The current economic crisis. Scratch and dent appliances have always had an audience, but has grown across a broader platform. Maybe something for you to consider?

Think About It

I’ve mentioned it to several people lately, and all of them knew about the existence of buying new, but somewhat damaged furniture and kitchen appliances. But none of them actually considered it… Most of us (and them) go to the general big stores like IKEA

Nothing wrong with IKEA. On the contrary. I like IKEA. I really do. But getting a 50% discount on a fridge that has a scratch on one side that you won’t see in my kitchen is a very attractive deal!

What You Should Know

Buying scratch and dent appliances requires a bit of research from your end. Things like:

  1. Where do you buy? At the regular store or at a specialized store?
  2. What can you buy that is considered scratch and dent?
  3. General things to consider

Lets start with number 1:

discount storeWhere to buy: This might come as a surprise, but even stores like the above mentioned IKEA offer new but damaged furniture. The thing is that with the “ordinary” retail stores you usually need to ask if they sell damaged appliances and/or furniture. The reason for this is that the profit they make on not damaged stuff is much higher. So next time ask!

In so-called specialized scratch and dent outlets, the choice you will have is much much greater. But the price will be higher than at the regular stores. These outlets need to make money too…

Number 2:

What can you buy that is considered scratch and dent? There is more than you think. It surprised me. But some browsing around a scratch and dent appliances site gave me an interesting overview. Here’s a list (mind you all this stuff is new; there is nothing second-hand. That’s a different market!):

  • Furniture; with discounts up to 50%
  • Appliances; not only kitchen stuff like fridges, ovens, micro wave ovens and dish washers. But also audio and video equipment can be bought new, slightly damaged, but highly discounted.
  • Computer games; here the software is not damaged, other wise it would not play at all. What is damaged is the case. Usually these are pretty fancy and made attractive so you can put them on display. If you don’t care about this then the discount can be yours!
  • Bikes; a scratch on a new bike gives you a discount of 40%. Not bad, considering that a scratch will eventually be on your bike in any case…

There is more, but this should give you a general idea.

Finally number 3.

General things to consider.

This has to do with the usual clause that anything you buy scratch and dent will be sold “As Is”. In other words without the usual warranty the non-damaged version will have. Of course there is the so-called “factory warranty” on kitchen appliances and electronics, but be sure to check all this!

images by: CivilBU & Bill Ward’s Brickpile